
Month: March 2018

budgeting groceries on computer

The Numbers

This week we want you to take a peek into our checkbook to get a feel of what your finances could look like should you choose to downsize your commitment to the office and upgrade your commitment to a sustainable lifestyle. What we will be listing will be only things that are necessary for running …

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family history of dairy farmers

Generation Gap

Our parents’ generation was the last in this country to be raised primarily by farmers; we were not exposed to a lot of the things that are involved in having a garden or farm animals; therefore, my wife and I did not grow up taking an interest in gardening or farm animals.

sustainable home heat from firewood

How to Heat a Home with Only 1 Hour of Woodcutting per Week

Here in northern Wisconsin, keeping a home warm is a large, predictable expense. Both LP gas and electricity can be very costly, especially when there are long stretches of subzero weather. Most people that we know don’t magically generate extra income to pay a high heat bill when it gets colder than usual outside.